Services we provided:

  • User experience strategy
  • Data architecture & consulting
  • Design and development on Sitecore EMS/CMS
  • Development on Sitecore content management system
  • Personalization & salesforce integration
  • On-going digital support
fulton logo)


When we first met Fulton Bank in 2016, they had a history very similar to most established brick-and-mortar banks. They were well-loved by longtime customers who enjoyed the convenience and familiarity of going to one of Fulton’s 250 branches for their banking needs.

But, just like most banks, that story began to change as the children of those customers came along. You know the ones who were born with a smart phone in hand that seek an Amazon-like experience with any business they encounter.

Fulton knew it had to cater to the needs of this new generation of customers to compete with the ‘big bank’ brands who were starting to put a lot of focus and energy into digital – they had to get tech savvy, and fast.

Working with SilverTech, Fulton made a bold move to raise the digital bar so high that they won the highly coveted Sitecore Site of the Year award for best use of personalization. Together, we dove in headfirst to create an online experience that delivered an easy, tech-progressive, immersive online experience. One that delivered ‘next best product’ ideas, relevant promotions, and cross-sells and up-sells that were unique to the needs of individual customers. How, you may ask? With a smart use of data, successful implementation of a powerful CMS, a behind-the-curtain tested strategy and a mutually rewarding open and honest client/agency partnership.



Visitors to www.fultonbank.com now enjoy a proactive, tech-savvy online experience that also delivers individual attention. In fact, over 53% of Fulton's visitors are seeing personalized content.


Increase in total web visitors in the first year
Increase in new web visitors in the first year
Increase in new user visits via organic search

Bosma Wins Kentico Site of the Month Award


Bosma Named One of the Top Kentico Websites for August

As a Kentico Xperience Gold Partner, we know what it takes to utilize the Kentico platform to garner amazing results for our clients – this past month was no exception. We are excited to announce that our client, Bosma Enterprises, was named one of Kentico's Sites of the Month for August 2021. Bosma is a Midwest-based business and charity foundation that helps the blind and visually impaired receive the support they need through job opportunities, specialized supplies, rehabilitation services and more. 

Bosma needed a website that could unite the various aspects of their social enterprise company while also making these different offerings known to users and customers. In addition to their improved navigation, Bosma wanted to give their website a refreshed and refined look while also keeping ADA compliance at top of mind – providing the best user experience to all visitors.  

Utilizing elements of Kentico Xperience 13, Bosma and SilverTech were able to cultivate just that – a website that would answer the important questions while also offering a more advanced, intuitive experience for users. After the launch of the new site in June of 2021, the number of pages people are viewing per session has increased dramatically and the bounce rates have decreased too, indicating a better user experience and more engagement on the site. In addition to these impressive results, check out some other valuable metrics found since launch, including: 

  • There is a 46.5% increase in pages visited per session.  
  • Average session duration has increased by 6.19%
  • There is a 30.56% decrease in the bounce rate. 
  • Pages load 4.13% faster than before. 

Congratulations to the Bosma and SilverTech teams who made this redesign happen and for this exciting recognition from Kentico!



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