Services we provided:

  • User experience strategy
  • Data architecture & consulting
  • Design and development on Sitecore EMS/CMS
  • Development on Sitecore content management system
  • Personalization & salesforce integration
  • On-going digital support
fulton logo)


When we first met Fulton Bank in 2016, they had a history very similar to most established brick-and-mortar banks. They were well-loved by longtime customers who enjoyed the convenience and familiarity of going to one of Fulton’s 250 branches for their banking needs.

But, just like most banks, that story began to change as the children of those customers came along. You know the ones who were born with a smart phone in hand that seek an Amazon-like experience with any business they encounter.

Fulton knew it had to cater to the needs of this new generation of customers to compete with the ‘big bank’ brands who were starting to put a lot of focus and energy into digital – they had to get tech savvy, and fast.

Working with SilverTech, Fulton made a bold move to raise the digital bar so high that they won the highly coveted Sitecore Site of the Year award for best use of personalization. Together, we dove in headfirst to create an online experience that delivered an easy, tech-progressive, immersive online experience. One that delivered ‘next best product’ ideas, relevant promotions, and cross-sells and up-sells that were unique to the needs of individual customers. How, you may ask? With a smart use of data, successful implementation of a powerful CMS, a behind-the-curtain tested strategy and a mutually rewarding open and honest client/agency partnership.



Visitors to www.fultonbank.com now enjoy a proactive, tech-savvy online experience that also delivers individual attention. In fact, over 53% of Fulton's visitors are seeing personalized content.


Increase in total web visitors in the first year
Increase in new web visitors in the first year
Increase in new user visits via organic search

SilverTech Hires Agency Exec to Spearhead Customer-Focused Growth


SilverTech announced that Michael Giovinelli has joined the growing agency as Vice President of Strategy and Client Success. Giovinelli, a former Boston-based GYK Antler Agency department head, will be focused on driving a customer-centric culture at the 90-person agency and building long-term client-valued relationships through an expansion of digital strategy, marketing, and account management services.  

“This leadership role was essential for the next stage of our growth. As we see customer service quality rapidly deteriorating in other industries, we made the decision to double down on providing exceptional service and value to our clients,” stated SilverTech CEO, Nick Soggu. “We’re challenging each other to look at everything we do from the customer standpoint. We’re investing in team training, expanding services, and bringing on experienced leaders like Mike so the measure of our success is really the strength of our relationships.” 

Giovinelli’s role at SilverTech will be to reinforce and lead expanded account management practices, work directly with key accounts to develop long-term roadmaps to meet their scaling needs and use his experience to grow the agency’s digital marketing and digital strategy offerings. 

“SilverTech has always been on my radar as a shop that's been highly regarded in the industry. I see tremendous opportunity here and am really excited to evolve the business alongside a very talented team,” stated Giovinelli. “This strategic focus will enable us to provide best-in-class web and digital-first marketing solutions that will give our clients a competitive business advantage.” 
Prior to SilverTech, Giovinelli worked in both traditional and digital. He has advised clients in verticals including Consumer Products, Retail, Tourism, Healthcare and Financial Services for brands such as Timberland, Sweet Baby Ray’s, Green Giant, and Hometown Financial Group. 



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