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Six Self-Care Tips for Uncertain Times


Take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally now and beyond

As many of us acclimate to the “new normal”, we start to reflect on the past few weeks of dramatic changes that have severely impacted our everyday lives. COVID-19 is a scary reality that has affected us in many ways. When the news of the virus started to spread to businesses across the globe, we began creating contingency plans, evaluating financials, and adjusting our policies. Shortly after, many companies switched to remote working, including SilverTech. Those who weren’t used to working from home had to make the quick adjustment to do so. Fortunately, our entire team was prepared and equipped to handle the change, making the logistics of the transition relatively seamless.

But what about everyone’s mental state? How are we feeling emotionally? Although our leaders and human resource department wish they knew what the outcome will be in a few weeks or even months, they, unfortunately, don’t have those answers. The unknown is scary for all of us. There are certainly many negatives that come with a global pandemic such as staying home in isolation and worrying about our health. However, it’s important we find small glimmers of positivity that come with having more time for self-care. Here are my tips for caring for yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally as we get through this together:

1. Make time to move

Many of us who spend 2+ hours a day commuting to work now have extra time on our hands. Use this time to walk outside, start a virtual fitness program, practice yoga, or whatever type of workout you want. Finding time to practice fitness regularly is great for our physical and mental well-being.

2. Work on your to-do list

Whether you have projects to do around your house, activities you have been meaning to try, or new hobbies you want to explore, now is the time to do it! Plus, accomplishing something like reorganizing your basement can really help you feel accomplished.

3. Communicate with your friends and family

Get together with your coworkers, friends, and family virtually on a regular basis. Everyone needs a little extra support from each other right now, and keeping those communications going is critical to our mental health. 

4. Practice gratitude

This is easier said than done when our lives have an extra layer of stress but listing out things you’re thankful for on a regular basis can really help boost your mood.

5. Eat right

Granted, I don’t live by this 100%. I treat myself to a glass of wine, pizza, or ice cream because well… I’m human. But try to fuel your body with healthy foods as often as possible. This will boost your immune system and make you feel better all around.  

6. Be easy on yourself

It’s normal to feel anxious, scared, stressed, tired, or depressed – whatever the emotion, you name it! Right now, is a traumatic time for many so don’t tear yourself down if you don’t feel 100% like YOU.

We all have a lot on our plates and our main concern is for the health and safety of our friends and family. But oftentimes, we forget about keeping ourselves happy and healthy too. We highly encourage using the extra time to take care of yourself so you can better take care of others. In the end, we’ll get through this together and become stronger individuals, businesses partners, and country.

Stay safe & well!





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