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Outreach Spotlight: Families in Transition


SilverTech supports one of Manchester’s most valued organizations

To celebrate SilverTech’s 25th anniversary this year, our agency has decided to donate $2,500 a month for the rest of the year to local causes in need. After our employees voted on a list of local nonprofits, 6 organizations were chosen from our SilverTech cities of Manchester, NH and Indianapolis, IN. This month, we are highlighting and donating to one of the most loved organizations in Manchester – Families in Transition Homeless Shelter. It's no surprise why this organization had the highest number of votes among our team due to our continued work with them throughout the years and their immense contributions to the community.  

SilverTech had the opportunity to sit down with Families in Transition to talk about their organization and why their mission is so important, especially right now with so many Americans facing economic and societal turmoil the last couple of years. In their own words, their overall mission is to “prevent and break the cycle of homelessness”, an issue that is complex and has multiple layers when it comes to prevention, causes, and solutions.  

The History 

Families in Transition was founded by Maureen Beauregard in the early 90s when she purchased a 5-unit apartment building that became their first structure for housing mainly homeless women and their children, offering them a safe place to get back on their feet. As the organization and needs grew in the Manchester area, Families in Transition began acquiring more property that became short-term safe homes for homeless families. In 2014, Families in Transition opened Willows, a substance use treatment center with recovery-centric housing for both men and women. Through this new endeavor in recovery and substance use, Families in Transition also created new housing options for women with children who were struggling with these issues, helping these individuals recover and reunite with their children or help them become better parents through sobriety. Most importantly, Families in Transition wanted to create a safe place for homeless children and parents to grow as a family and get back on their feet through their efforts.  

In 2018, Families in Transition merged with another prominent organization in New Hampshire, New Horizons, who at the time was the state’s largest emergency shelter for adults. Started in the 70s by local nuns who ran a soup kitchen out of a motorhome, New Horizons had been serving the state for almost 50 years before the merger – bringing the Families in Transition capabilities that elevated the quality of assistance they could give the community. In the merger, New Horizon’s brought their functioning food pantry, large soup kitchen, and dorm-style housing that could fit more than 100 homeless individuals needing assistance.  With short-term housing options, specialized recovery therapies, programs for women with children, long-term assistance, and on-demand food resources, the united organizations could offer a full range of services that would allow them to help more people with different ranges of needs. 

Current Outreach Efforts 

Today, Families in Transition continues to bring resources to the homeless population of New Hampshire and Manchester specifically, especially with the exasperated economic needs in the pandemic. In the beginning of 2021, they even opened a new food pantry to meet growing demands. When asked about what sets themselves apart from the other homeless shelters and outreach efforts in the area, Families in Transition believes their main differentiator is their multitude and accessibility to housing options. While other organizations can offer a solution to a single piece of the homelessness puzzle, Families in Transition tries to address the entire scope of what makes an individual homeless and give them all the tools to pull themselves out of their situation. 

Kyle Chumas, Director of Marketing and Communications of Families in Transition, shares that one of the largest issues surrounding people’s perspective of homelessness is that they fail to realize how far spread homelessness truly is. Homeless individuals are not just the people you see residing on the streets, in shelters, in encampment; homelessness can also mean couch surfers, people living in their cars, and people who bounce around to family members and friends' homes. The goal is to help all individuals experiencing homelessness, no matter what brought them there. By giving them the tools they need and educating them on aspects of life and finance that they may not have been taught, Families in Transition can help many people who come from a multitude of backgrounds. From Kyle’s perspective, Families in Transition’s main goal with education is connecting people to resources and helping them overcome barriers. 

How Can You Help? 

While monetary donations are always welcomed and appreciated, there are so many ways to get involved and help Families in Transition with their outreach efforts. Their thrift store is a large source of revenue for the organization and also a place that the homeless individuals can receive the home goods and clothing items they need. When you donate your used items to their local thrift store, you are contributing to the organization in multiple different ways. While the items you could donate to the thrift store are extremely helpful to the organization, there is a list of high-needs items that Families in Transition is always seeking.  

In addition to the tangible and monetary items you could donate, Families in Transition also needs people who are willing to donate their time and effort. From volunteering at events, to holding fundraising opportunities, to even companies donating their services, you can bring the support that organizations like Families in Transition truly need – people who care.  

SilverTech and Families in Transition

As a local Manchester business for over 25 years, we see the amazing things that Families in Transition has done and continues to do for the community. We feel lucky to be able to be a company that can give back to the organizations that mean the most to our community and employees, all while amplifying the message of a great cause. Many of our employees are heavily involved with Families in Transition and truly believe in the good they provide for homeless individuals across the state of New Hampshire and feel honored to share their story on our platform.  

Whether it be through a high-needs drive, a donation of our digital services, or hands-on volunteering at their next community event, this will not be the last time that SilverTech collaborates with this amazing organization and cause. We thank Families in Transition for their time and collaboration on this piece and for their contributions to the Manchester community. 

Stay tuned for each month’s community outreach highlight blog where we share the stories and causes that we are supporting during our 25th year of business.  





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