Stay ahead of the changing digital landscape.

Learn More About the SilverTech Team

By: Erin Presseau | 4/13/20

Adapting and Embracing the New Normal

SilverTech is proud to highlight digital agency team members in a series of exclusive video interviews.  Learn how this fun and friendly team has pulled together to continue driving client performance and value - even during the crazy times of a pandemic. We’re extremely proud of the culture we have built and want to share it with you! Here are a few introductions to our team and their profiles.

Nick Soggu, Chief Executive Officer

While no one knows exactly what the future holds, Nick talks about how SilverTech has been able to adapt to the changing COVID environment and leverage collaboration and technology tools that we already had in place. Watch Nick’s full video to see what else he has to say about the future role of digital.

Derek Barka, Chief Technology Officer

Derek loves to geek out on technology. He started his career as a successful software engineer but grew to love the client interaction as well. According to Derek, “we can make a difference for our clients” and he’s a crucial part of helping SilverTech do so. One of the many roles Derek has as CTO is to work closely with our technology partners and take on speaking engagements throughout the year. Watch his full interview to learn more about what it’s like being in the spotlight.

Dan Leahy, UI/UX Designer 

According to Dan, a UI/UX designer “humanizes technology.” Not sure what that means? Watch Dan’s video to find out how designers mold technology into a beautiful, user-friendly experience. But truthfully, Dan is more than just a creative mind. He’s also been a huge part of the culture here at SilverTech. He also talks about the importance of remaining a cohesive unit despite transitioning to remote working.

Lindsay Moura, Senior Digital Account Strategist

Lindsay plays a major role on the Digital Marketing team and has a lot to say about our plans for growing clients’ fanbase. While these unusual times have thrown businesses for a curveball, Lindsay explains how SilverTech is developing unique digital marketing strategies to combat this economic challenge.

Want to learn more about our team?

Check out all the full profiles here and follow us on social media for future SilverTech employee videos and updates.



Meet the Author: Erin Presseau



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