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What to Do the Next Time Facebook Goes Down


In March 2019, Facebook suffered the longest outage of its 15-year existence. Then again in July, all three platforms – Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp – were down for several hours for users in the United States and Europe. 

Advertisers shell out millions of dollars in Facebook ads and they’re investing more and more in Instagram which has experienced a 120 percent growth year over year. If you’re running ads on these platforms (which is all done through Facebook’s Ads Manager), you know how precious every moment is to your bottom line.  

So, what should you do the next time Facebook goes down? First and foremost, it’s important to be aware within minutes so you can take action. That’s where a partnership with a team of experts like SilverTech comes in handy. We can help get to the bottom of the situation through Facebook support teams to find out estimated times of restoration and any advertising credits that may be applied to your account. Our team can also help advise you on where to reallocate some of those media dollars, so they don’t go to waste. Does your online program have an upcoming start date? We can pivot quickly to ensure you meet those enrollment goals.  

While you’re still at the mercy of Facebook’s team to restore power, you can still let your audience know there’s an issue on Twitter or through email blasts. Reassure your customers that there are other ways to get in touch with you. However inconvenient, many argue this actually provides you the opportunity to engage with your community better. Enlist the help of social listening tools to track any mentions of your brand, certain keywords, and relevant hashtags to combat any negativity.  

Once Facebook is back up and running, do you have trusted paid media experts to evaluate the campaigns to ensure everything is running smoothly again? At SilverTech, we test and closely monitor the campaigns to ensure they are delivering properly and tracking results as they should. As a best practice, we also recommend holding off on any major campaign changes or new launches until at least 24 hours after the outage. 

We understand how valuable online advertising is to your business. For example, if you’re an online retailer, digital marketing has significant impact on your overall revenue. We’ll never set it and forget it. We spend time in your account each and every day to closely monitor and optimize performance. If you’re looking for a trusted partner, contact us today to learn how SilverTech can help





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