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The Role of A.I. in User Experience: What You Need to Know


What is Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)?

At its core, artificial intelligence involves the development of computer systems that can easily perform tasks like visual perception, speech recognition and even decision-making on their own - even though these jobs would have previously required human intelligence. Machine learning takes this idea one step further and applies historical data to the same processes, allowing machines to actually "learn" and "get better" at those tasks the more they have the opportunity to do them.

But even going beyond how impressive the technology is on the surface, all of this is important to understand because of the role that AI plays in the user experience - an element that is becoming an increasingly essential part of your competitive advantage all the time. One recent study indicated that about 32% of consumers say they will leave a brand they love after just one bad experience. Another study revealed that 91% of unsatisfied customers don't complain to a brand about their experiences - they just immediately look elsewhere for what they need. 

Artificial intelligence therefore becomes one of the best opportunities you have to avoid these types of issues altogether.

The power of Artificial Intelligence: creating smarter, more personal brand experiences

If you had to sum up the major benefit that AI brings to the user experience in a single word, "personalization" would undoubtedly be it.

AI solutions are great for absorbing the type of real data that your customers are already creating to instantly determine the best personal experience on an individual basis - meaning that people get to interact with your brand in the exact way they want and no two experiences have to be the same. 

While it's absolutely possible to personalize your content based on rules or algorithms, artificial intelligence takes these benefits to the next level. With some type of rule system in place, that same rule will apply in all situations regardless of whether you're talking about the first interaction with someone or the 500th. That's good to a point, but it's not a situation that evolves alongside someone's relationship with your business.

With AI and machine learning, you're talking about a solution that literally gets smarter with each interaction it has with your target audience - creating experiences that get more and more personal over time. The system gets more effective at serving the best content or choice to the buyer to take the next step, regardless of what that step happens to be or who that buyer is.

Take the way that AI can use past purchasing data to better understand a customer's intent when visiting an online storefront. Based on the types of products they've been interested in previously along with relevant purchases they've made, AI can cross-promote other products and accessories that can help them get the most out of their experience. It can even be used to up-sell products and services that a user is very likely to want or need but that they might not be aware even exists. All of this happens without human intervention at all, allowing you to maximize your revenue stream and free up the valuable time of those employees to focus on the matters that truly need them.

Along the same lines, AI is also a powerful opportunity to improve site search, making it easier than ever for your customers to find exactly what they're looking for. A chatbot can appear immediately after a visitor arrives on your site, serving up relevant information in a few keystrokes rather than making users go on the hunt for it. AI can even be used to streamline the navigation of your website, allowing the most relevant content to "rise to the top" based on past behaviors and successful interactions.

All of this combines to form the most important goal of all: users get to have their own unique experience on their own terms, all while accomplishing whatever goal they had in mind as quickly and as effortlessly as possible. That's not just how you create a better user experience in the modern era - it's how you immediately differentiate yourself from your competitors and create a deep sense of trust and loyalty at the exact same time. 

The SilverTech approach

At SilverTech, we've been combining big ideas and creative technology to solve today's most challenging problems for businesses just like yours for well over two decades. While the technology itself may evolve rapidly - as is the case with artificial intelligence - one thing has remained true throughout all of it. When you focus on the users and apply concepts like AI and machine learning to create more specific, more personal and more informed experiences, you improve relationships with your users across the board. At that point, you've done more than just cement your reputation - you've created a genuine competitive advantage for yourself that will serve you well for years to come.

So if you'd like to learn more about the many ways in which you can empower the user experience through artificial intelligence or machine learning, or if you just need help getting started or need to evaluate what systems and technologies are going to play a major role in your success moving forward, please don't delay - contact SilverTech today.


UX Strategy & Design



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