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SilverTech Offers Fast Support for Clients During COVID-19 Crisis

By: Nick Soggu | 4/2/20


A message from SilverTech CEO, Nick Soggu

Throughout these very challenging times, we want you to know that we are here for you. While we are fully staffed and operational, we realize many of you may not be. You may be pivoting to work shortened hours, under reduced staff conditions, or simply may have had to redirect your marketing and technology efforts elsewhere. 

We can offer you immediate assistance with any digital or communications challenge you are now facing. Our team has rolled up their sleeves and stepped up their game to help companies adapt, re-strategize, and implement marketing and technology efforts that will get them through the next couple of months until longer-term initiatives can be reestablished. 

An example of support and strategies we’ve provided to companies over the past couple of weeks:

Online help and case management center

From start to finish in just a FEW DAYS, we developed an Online Help Center for the State of NH to manage the surge of incoming inquiries from businesses impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.  The portal allows businesses quick access to crucial information on Governor Executive Orders, special loan and grant programs, state and federal resources, unemployment information and more. It alleviates calls to the call center and allows staff to manage requests efficiently. This project included integrations to the client’s web CMS, email, and text messaging platforms, as well as an enterprise-level case management solution.

Website COVID alerts and updates

We’ve helped companies quickly make web design and development updates to their websites to support alert capabilities – such as a special banner that links to urgent crisis information. We’ve also made numerous additional optimizations including new COVID-19 web forms, infographics, videos, blogs, articles, and special pandemic schema updates.  

Online self-service features and capabilities.

Sometimes with same-day turnaround, we’ve been able to apply self-service capabilities, online forms, chat capabilities, and other features to client sites to allow them to continue conducting business when physical locations were no longer an option.

Operational integrations

Data and system integrations are desperately needed by many organizations who are scrambling to ensure key business functions are available online for customers. In the past few weeks, our team has assisted with Salesforce, Kentico, Sitefinity, Sitecore, Hubspot, Zendesk, and multiple e-commerce integrations, just to name a few. 

Social, email, text, and crisis communications

Our team has written and distributed critical communications, on behalf of many client companies, via organic and paid social posts, email, and text messaging.  We’ve also leveraged paid media platforms to adjust ongoing campaigns with appropriate targeting and messaging for the times.  

Facebook Live & video

As many companies are being forced to cancel physical events, our team has worked with businesses to plan and implement innovative solutions to events such as a creative use of video, Facebook Live, webinars, and more.    

Supplemental managed services and network support

For companies working with a smaller team or an overloaded team, we have stepped in to help continue the daily maintenance related to web services such as security patches, platform upgrades, ADA audits, and more. 

No matter how large or small your particular need may be, our team is ready to assist

No one truly knows yet how this pandemic will impact the economy, our businesses, and our employees in the long term. What is evident, though, is that business models must quickly adapt and that customers are still reaching out to all of us for answers. Therefore, it is crucial that we continue communicating and continue evolving our businesses to meet the changing demand. 

Please reach out to us if there are any digital or technology projects or ideas we can help you with. Let’s work together to sustain not only healthy businesses but also healthy customer relationships. 

Meet the Author: Nick Soggu



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