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Progress Officially Releases Sitefinity CMS 13.0

By: Anoop Sandhu | 1/1/20

Sitefinity 13.0 Official Release

On May 14th, 2020 Progress officially released version 13 of the Sitefinity CMS platform.

We look forward to these releases as they give us opportunities to decrease time to market, improve quality in our pipelines, and let us offer our clients more value in their choice of CMS.

Today, we’re taking a few minutes to highlight some key updates that we’re excited about.

CMS improvements.

1. New experience for images.

Sitefinity 13 has updated its Image management experience with a fresh and modern feel. All of the old features you know and love are still available, along with some hotly requested items like the ability to search and filter across all galleries at once.

The new experience rolls out a more dynamic and responsive interface. Navigating through galleries feels intuitive and seamless, and content editors are sure to appreciate the dramatic reduction in load time when transitioning screens.  

2. Personalization updates.

Brand new to Sitefinity 13 is the ability to easily target returning users through -"Persistent Personalization". This powerful out of the box feature lets marketers immediately target return users with dynamic content without the need for custom development. Sitefinity will keep personalization persistent between sessions so you can truly follow a user along their entire journey and augment their experience over time.

Need to drive traffic to an abandoned shopping cart? Customize the experience based on information pulled in from another source? You can freely do so with the tools readily available in Sitefinity 13. 

3. Developer Tools

Sitefinity CLI.

For anyone needing to upgrade Sitefinity, the CLI is your new best friend.

The Sitefinity command line scripts will automatically update NuGet package references across all projects in your Sitefinity solution while fixing broken references at the same time. This new automated procedure removes the potential for human error introduced when manually updating and consolidating references and affords developers more time to spend on internal QA to provide quality output right at the start of an upgrade.

The Sitefinity CLI and its documentation can be found here.

.Net Core technical preview.

Sitefinity has long been utilized for its headless CMS capabilities. The ability to create and expose restful API's right through the CMS admin interface has been a boon for those looking to decouple the CMS from its presentation layer.

Sitefinity 13 doubles down on this approach and introduces a new technology preview for .net core widgets, backed by the page layout service released in 12.2. This lays down the groundwork for full .net core support and being a platform agnostic CMS that isn't coupled to any one presentation layer.

Still not sure if you should upgrade your website to Sitefinity 13 or how much an upgrade will cost?

As one of only a select few Titanium-level Progress Sitefinity Partners in the U.S., SilverTech, has extensive website strategy and development expertise on the Sitefinity platform.  Our team can help you implement new Sitefinity features and guide you through the entire CMS upgrade process, walk you through a Sitefinity demo, or show you examples of our client case studies.


Progress Sitefinity

Meet the Author: Anoop Sandhu



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