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Five Ways to Improve Paid Search (SEM) Strategies

By: Hannah Sabo | 12/16/20

Jump start your search engine game plan for 2021

As December ends, the new year calls out to digital marketers. There is no better time to refresh your paid search strategies than the new year. We can all get comfortable with our current strategies within search marketing. As an ever-changing platform it is important to be proactive and adjust your campaigns. To help you get started, we have compiled five ways to help you boost your paid search strategy for the new year: 

1. Stay on top of your skills

Education is the biggest advantage a marketer can provide themselves. As you prepare for the upcoming year, check in on all your certifications and take advantage any new opportunities to keep your skills sharp. Make sure you are up to date on any new initiatives or changes coming in the market for 2021. We recommend taking time to review trainings within the Google Skillshop to keep up with any changes or additional opportunities within the platform.  

2. Audit your accounts

The new year is the perfect time to look back at your performance. Even if a campaign seems to be performing well there may still be new opportunities. Look through your accounts at a high level to see if there are keywords or placement optimizations you can make to improve the performance of your account moving into the new year. Seasonality can also play a part in moving into a new year, so make sure you have adjusted your accounts as needed. 

3. Try something new 

Paid search is always changing. If you are running Google Ads or Microsoft Ads there may be something new that you can implement into your strategy. Paid search does not only include ads within the search results page. If you run strictly search ads on Google it may be time to expand into Display, YouTube, or Discovery campaigns. For example, even if you only use Microsoft Ads on a small scale, a few opportunities to take advantage of are Audience campaigns and LinkedIn targeting through industry and job titles within the search platform. There are multiple possibilities within the channels to reach your target audience and increase your brand’s awareness you just need to take advantage of them.  

4. Take advantage of smart bidding

Google has been pushing advertisers to move into smart bidding for a while but there are always some hesitations to take the dive. As January approaches take some time to compare different strategies, a smart bidding strategy may be the exact thing that takes your campaign to the next level. Smart bidding will allow your campaigns to use machine learning to target your ads to hit your specific goals, whether they may be brand awareness or conversions.  

5. Optimize your landing page

Your landing page can make or break your goal performance. As we enter the new year take the time to audit your landing pages. This can be as simple as updating your content to be more engaging to ensure people are getting the information they need. There may be additional opportunities to look back at the user’s journey on your landing pages to understand where users are dropping off. One landing page optimization you may want to consider is adjusting your form. Review your page to determine if there is an opportunity to shorten the form or to adjust it in a higher position on the page to keep your audience engaged. This will help impact your overall campaign performance to ensure you have all the tools to convert your audience.  

Are you ready to take your digital marketing to the next level? 
SilverTech is here to help in any way we can.  Send us a message! 



Meet the Author: Hannah Sabo



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